Achoimre: | The researcher conducted a study on the relationship between organizational learning
and organizational commitment at Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Lipis (PPDL) Kuala
Lipis, Pahang. Developing, pertaining and transforming knowledge within the
organization is known as organizational learning. In this study, there were four
independent variables under organizational learning namely motivation, leadership,
innovation and teamwork. Meanwhile, the dependent variable was organizational
commitment. Organizational commitment was the psychological status that an
individual has to achieve about goals and motivation. It was important to the
organization in order to find out their loyalty and they are being committed to the
organization or not through their performances. The method used in this study was
correlation research. Correlational research was used to examine the relationship _
between these variables. The questionnaires have been handed to 65 copies of
respondents. A simple random technique has been used in this study. Besides, the
data collected using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results of the
data were presented using descriptive statistic, standard deviation and mean, and
correlation coefficient. Meanwhile, for conclusion and recommendation, the
researcher concluded that between these four independent variables under
organizational learning, the researcher found that innovation has the strong
relationship towards organizational commitment at this organization (r.647, p>005).
The researcher recommended of that the studies for further investigation should be
conducted on different organization such as private sector so that they can get strong
and validate findings of this study.