Summary: | The hotel industry is well known with its nature of operations which serves continuously within 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year or “24/7”. It is almost a norm for hotel employees and executives to be involved in long working hours or shifts. Most of their times are spent at work, sacrificing quality times with family and loved ones. Hotel employees particularly the executives have to juggle between work responsibilities and family commitments to cope with the role pressure of managing a service oriented team. This study was conducted to identify the work variable, non-work variable and work-family conflict towards quality of work life among the hotel executives in Malaysia. A total of 168 questionnaires distributed to executives at 24 hotels rated as five stars in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The response rate was 38 percent which represent a total of 51 questionnaires that was returned, usable and coded. Results showed that both work variable and non-work variable shows insignificant relationship with work-family conflict. Work variable has positive and significant relationship with quality of work life, opposite with non-work variable which shows insignificant relationship towards quality of work life. While, the workfamily conflict does not mediate the relationship between both work variable and quality of work life as well as the relationship between non-work variable and quality of work life in this study setting. Executives’ ability to gain control of their workload and manage a flexible work schedule contributed to their quality of work life. Job social support from both employer and family added to the advantage of executives’ quality of work life. Further research may include exploring other variables and perspectives such as different segment of hotels that might have variation in the result if similar study components were to be used.