Summary: | This study is about termite attack at historical building, where it is involves a conservation work. Nowadays, the effort in conservation work had been conducted, especially on the historical buildings. Mostly the historical building in Malaysia is not conserved in the best possible and most of historical building is in dilapidated condition due to damage. More unfortunately, some of historical buildings are in danger of destruction because the owners of abandoned and broken down by the demands of development and lack of concern for the community in order to preserve the historic building. The aim of the conservation work on the historical buildings is to maintain the heritage and an appreciation the historical of architecture design in the past, it is because that thing is very valuable for the country. Besides that, the historic buildings can also be used as researches study for upgrading our architecture design, building materials to use in construction and the installation is more resistant to the damage. Repairing and maintaining works at the historical buildings is had involves professional person to supervise and monitoring conservation works by follow the legal aspect in the National Heritage Act 2005. In this thesis is had study on the termite attack at historical building that involved National Heritage Department that had carried out repairing, maintaining and monitoring a conservation work at historical building. The methodology of this research in order to obtain the objective it is from these two methods that involved the primer data that gained from the books, article, journals, internet and secondary data that gained from observation building condition at case study buildings and interview the National Heritage Department and building owner. The findings in this research, that termite attack is almost happen at the historical buildings; especially occur to the timber structural and materials. Termite treatment at historical building is should follow a conservation method of repairing that to keep the originality of the design, structure and material. By National Heritage Department, the conservation work at historical buildings should done with termite treatment process, the termite treatment had been used at the all historical buildings in Malaysia is chemical soil treatment.