Summary: | This research is conducted to study the Organizational Commitment and Job Burnout among employees at Northport (M) Bhd. While much research has been conducted on these two variables separately, very little has been done in terms of understanding the relationship between them. This research aims to examine the impact of job stress or known as job burnout on the organizational commitment of a representative of NM employee. Organizational commitment, including affective commitment, continuous commitment, and normative commitment, refers to work relations in the organizations, and how these relations influence the employee’s wellbeing, behaviour, and contribution to the organization. In obtaining employees opinion towards this issue, researcher has distributed 60 questionnaires to the respondents and only 50 usable questionnaires were returned. Researcher used the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version16.0 to analyze all data. The data was analyzed using Reliability Test, Descriptive Analysis, and Pearson’s Correlation Analysis. The result shows that most of the respondents agreed that continuous commitment influences job burnout. All of this is based on the findings through the questionnaire been distributed for this study.