Summary: | This paper examines arguably the first and one of the most important writings
of al-Raniri and yet received little attention by scholars of the Malay world to
date. After the manuscripts from Jakarta, Aceh and Kuala Lumpur are discovered
and studied, the present authors find out that Durr al-Fara’id bi Sharh al-
Aqa’id is the first work of al-Raniri, and the one which elevated him to the position of a respected theologian and grand scholar of his time. This work was
completed by al-Raniri in 1040 Hijri (1630 C.E.), few years before he was
appointed as the chief Mufti of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. This study
finds that the work was circulated widely in the Malay world and copied by
copyists from different generations. The work is undeniably needed to be studied
and re-introduced since it discusses early Muslim theology, particularly the
Sunni creed which includes epistemology, ontology, shari’ah and politics.
Although it is basically a translation work, al-Raniri contribute roughly 50%
of his own ideas and make it suitable for the context of the Malay world. Since
it is based on a great book, i.e. ‘Aqa’id al-Nasafi, the fundamental and critical
matters discussed in this work make it a great work by its own which potrays
the worldview of Muslims in the Malay world during the 17th Century and