Summary: | This article reviews the advertisement of the Unity Party of Indonesia (Perindo), which has been repeatedly broadcast on four private television stations owned by the Party Chairman (MNC TV, Global TV, RCTI and iNews TV). The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) prohibits advertising on the street that is excessive enough to disturb the public interest. Advertising ads are thus uploaded through social media (YouTube). In the ads, the figure of the general chairman, Hari Tanoesoedibjo (HT), is very dominant to form a party control image. It seems that HT's ambition is to use the party as a tool to achieve political power. There is no prohibition for every citizen to rule in this country, but the political reality still has sentimental opinions based on ethnic identity. Meanwhile, HT has an ethnic Chinese descent. Thus, it is possible that the public will respond to Perindo’s advertising negatively. This review recommends technical changes to advertising messages, use of different TV stations, and presents other figures outside of HT to give Perindo the impression of an open party. The method of analysis of this article uses the narrative analysis i.e. Graimas model, who tried to interpret the text as a tool to strengthen a certain figure with a profile relevant to the general or intended audience.