Summary: | The shear strength envelope for unsaturated soil requires that three shear strength
parameters be defined namely, c', ø' and øb. These parameters can be measured in the
laboratory. The c' and ø' parameters can be measured using standard laboratory
equipment on saturated soil specimen. However conventional triaxial and direct shear
equipment require modifications prior to their use, i.e. for suction induced tests on
unsaturated soils to measure the øb (i.e. the change in shear strength with respect to
suction). This paper describes the modification made to the standard laboratory
triaxial and shear box and outline the test performed for measuring the shear strength
parameters of unsaturated residual soils. The value cohesion, c' is found to increase
with increase in the matric suction. For a given level of matric suction, the cohesion
appear to increase with increase in the soil weathering grade, i.e as the soils/rocks
becomes more weathered. The angle of friction, ø' decreases with increase in the soils
weathering grade, but the angle of friction or change in shear strength with change in
suction, øb , increases when the soil becomes more weathered. The values of øb are
generally lower than ø'