Summary: | The issue of deliberate forest fires that set illegally in Indonesia by plantation companies in their slashand-burn forests to clear lands for lucrative palm oil plantations and its caused transboundary haze
became a hot issue for discussion. These fires have a negative influence on Indonesia and its
neighbourhood countries, especially on their financial and human resources such as environment,
economy, properties, and people. Using the right strategies in responding to any crisis determines the
success of its management and coping with that crisis with minimal losses. This study aimed to
examine the communication crisis response by Indonesia to this crisis by using image repair theory.
Also, this study examined how image repair strategies were used by Indonesia. This study analysed
the content of news stories from the website of the New Straits Times newspaper. The time frame of
this study was from 2015 to 2019. A total of 87 news stories have pertained to Indonesian response,
and 37 stories included image repair strategies. Among the strategies of image repair theory,
corrective action strategy was the most dominant with 70%, followed by 10.8% for each shift the
blame and attack accuser. The least used strategies were mortification and simple denial with 5.4%
and 2.7% respectively.