Summary: | The DeFIT it! Program utilizes the use of a diet
diary and heath teaching through the use of SMS
texting. It was designed for the respondents to
acquire knowledge on proper diet and physical
activity. The program aims prevention of weightrelated
diseases such as Hypertension, Type II
Diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases
among overweight college students. The sample
consisted of 24 students with a body mass index
(BMI) between 25.00-25.99 kg/m2. Respondents in
the experimental group were subjected to
telenursing by receiving 4 daily short messaging
services (SMS) for 21 days regarding health
education on proper diet and physical activity, and
reminders to follow the DeFIT it! Program. Both
the experimental and control group were
administered with a pretest and a posttest
knowledge evaluation questionnaire before and
after the implementation of the study, underwent a
weekly body mass index assessment, and were
given a DeFIT it! Booklet and DeFIT it! Diary
during the initial contact with the respondents.
Interestingly, statistical analysis of the data showed
that there is a significant increase in the knowledge
of telenursing users. However, there is no
significant difference on the physical activity and
diet adherence scores of telenursing users when
compared to nontelenursing users. Also, it was
observed that there is a significant decrease in the
BMI of the nontelenursing users group which may
be attributed to their low diet adherence scores.
Thus, telenursing with the use of SMS is effective
in increasing the subjects’ knowledge regarding
proper diet and physical activity.