Summary: | One of the most significant features in dramatic conversation in Theatre of the Absurd is
repetition. The technique is to signify the nonsensical dialogue as a form of
communication between people which is perceived to be futile. It is a common marker for
any absurd play to indicate that too many words lead to more confusion thus leading us
far away from understanding the significant philosophical underpinnings. This paper
intends to focus on the appropriation of absurd techniques which is the repetition of
words and phrases experimented by the late Anuar Nor Arai in his play, Vacuum during
the period of Experimental Theatre. It examines the technique used that is applicable to
the theatre in Malaysia, especially in relation to the local social changes and political
scenarios. His experimentation had given an insight of a soul who is confused and lost in
finding his identity in a vortex of change in Malaysia’s new, restructured society.