Summary: | The dawn of the internet has brought about many implications to the already existing media and the way we
communicate to one another and do things. Several scholars have conducted studies to understand the factors
responsible for technology acceptance. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is one of the much referred
models for technology acceptance where perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are recognised as the two
main factors that influence computer usage behaviour. Subsequently, there have been several studies aiming at
extending and modifying the TAM by proposing additional variables believed to contribute to technological
innovation acceptance. This study aims at exploring and testing other factors that have not been explained by
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in deteremining the acceptance of communication and information
technology (ICT) by focussing on factors which may be unique to Malaysia. A survey was conducted to obtain the
necessary primary data from 300 respondents in the Klang Valley, a metropolis consisting of the federal territory of
Kuala Lumpur and the state of Selangor. Using SPSS 20.0., both desriptive and inferential statistical analysis were
used to analyse the data. For the inferential statistics, multiple regressions were adopted to test the variables. The
findings reveal that in the case of effects and influence on actual usage, beside the TAM’s perceived usefulness,
additional variables, in particular, personal factors, communication channels and behavioural intentions have
indeed contributed to the variations in the actual usage and acceptance of the internet. The findings thus have added
more knowledge to the literature of technology acceptance while rendering practical implications to policy makers
and technology providers, especially the new media, with regard to acceptance.