Summary: | The theory of Ecological Modernisation (EMT) has become one of the dominant sociological theories which
attempts to understand and interpret how modern societies are dealing with environmental crises. This paper aims
to examine the sustainability of Malaysia’s Solid Waste Management (SWM) programmes from this EMT
perspective. It was found that while the EMT requires a national approach in order to effect a more sustainable Solid
Waste Management system the current institutional arrangement, managerial process and policy formulation of the
SWM in Malaysia has not delivered a cohesive and sustainable national SWM policy. This was caused by factors
ranging from the lack of institutional arrangements, policy gaps, and inadequate financial support, to failures in the
privatisation process, insufficient manpower and poor understanding of environmental concerns dealing with the
whole social complexity of solid waste management . Given such yet-to-be-rectified flaws the application of the
EMT to Malaysia’s SWM may be difficult to achieve for now.