Summary: | Background: Significant incidence of thyroid dysfunction, especially hypothyroidism, has been reported in Kashmir Valley
of India. There is a paucity of studies that assessed the presence of thyroid dysfunction in various age groups of people in
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in the local population who visit the
outpatient department of Ramakrishna Mission Clinic at Srinagar.
Materials and Methods: This work is a cross-sectional study carried out for 18 months. The study subjects were the
patients who attended outpatient department of Ramakrishna Mission Clinic; patients referred by private practitioners of
Srinagar and adjoining areas. The data were from those subjects who got thyroid function tests done for the first time.
Thyroid function was assessed by clinical examination and thyroid function tests (T3, T4, and TSH).
Results: The total number of subjects tested for thyroid function was 612 of which 120 were men and 492 were women. Total
prevalence of thyroid disorders in the study population was 40.36% (247 of 612). Of the total 247 subjects with thyroid
disorders, 17.8% were men (44) and 81.2% were women (203). Overall prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism was 33%
(206 of 612); prevalence of overt hypothyroidism was 5% (31 of 612); and prevalence of hyperthyroidism was 1.6% (10 of 612).
Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of thyroid disorders in Kashmir population, and subclinical hypothyroidism is the
most prevalent thyroid disorder. In females, maximum prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism is seen in the reproductive
age group.