Summary: | Mobile ad-hoc network (MANETs) are networks consist of a group of mobile nodes autonomously establishing connectivity via multi-hop wireless communication without any pre-infrastructure or central administration.
Multicasting communication serves as one critical operation to support many applications of Ad-hoc networks
that achieve group communication rather than pairs of individuals. Multicast routing protocols becomes
increasingly important in mobile Ad hoc networks because they effectively coordinate a set of nodes. Also, it
provides efficient routing for multimedia applications such as video conferences, military, rescue operations
and multi-party games. Such applications are highly demand for Quality of Service (QoS), which makes an
efficient QoS multicast routing protocols is very important. The limitations of wireless networks make it
necessary to develop a QoS multicast routing protocol that supports multiple QoS constrains with rational
overhead. Recently, the availability of inexpensive, less power and small GPS receivers realizes the positionbased
multicast routing and improves routes stability. In this work we proposed a model that searches for QoS
paths from a single source to a set of destinations. The physical area is partitioned into equal size hexagonal
cells and a leader and backup leader nodes is elected to maintain up-to-date information about the network
topology. The election process considers several metrics including node mobility, energy and memory. The
multicast groups are separated into segments based on their geographical positions and each multicast group
has a coordinator. The proposed model is expected to be scalable for large area networks with large number of
multicast members. Also, it is expected to achieve a significant reduction in packet and processing overhead.