Summary: | Tamil society have respected siddhars as persons with incompara ble
power or capabilities and great compassion. Their songs are a
literary heritage containing lofty philosophies. To those who are
educated and have true knowledge, the verses are elucidations of
very eminent spiritual philosophy in simple folk language and
style. The siddhars taught the people to give up the triple desires
and remove the impurities. They also show path to control the five
senses and the mind which tends to follow the senses. The Patinen
Siddhargal Periya Nyanak Kooai edited by V. Saravanamuttu Pillai
and published by Irattina Nayakar Sons had been used as the basic
of this article. The aim of this article is to examine and to explain
the evils caused by triple desires, five senses, mind, attachment,
vaacanai and the ways to overcome them according to siddhars .