Summary: | Composite building materials, developed locally with available peat soil for low cost housing
construction, have great potential for application in the construction industry based on their engineering
properties. Peat land comprises about 30 million hectares, about five to eight percent of the total world surface
area. Utilizing available peat and taking significant advances of compressed stabilization technologies, peat
brick may be environmentally affable compare to the conventional building materials. Present study deals with
the development of peat bricks, evaluation of its behavior and its application on construction industry.
Experimental studies for physical and mechanical behaviour of peat bricks are performed. Production of peat,
siliceous sand and cement solid bricks to the role of various types of constructional applications has been
investigated. The development needs, potential usages and applications of peat bricks in the country Malaysia
have been explored. The simplicity in technology incorporated in peat bricks give flexibility and easy transfer of
knowledge between different stakeholders in the building industry. The compressive strength and unit weight
significantly reduce and water absorption values upturn with increased replacement of peat as aggregate. The
effect of 54% volumetric replacement with peat does not exhibit any sudden brittle fracture even beyond the
ultimate loads and a comparatively smooth surface are found. Application of peat and sand as newly brick
substances appears to be a doable solution not only in environment but also to the economic design of
buildings. Present peat brick concept can be used for building construction in an affordable manner.