總結: | Strengthening STEM initiatives outlined in the 'Malaysian Blueprint 2013-20125 aims to ensure
students are equipped with the necessaryskills to meet the challenges of an increasingly industrialized
world. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to be equipped with knowledge and teaching approach
for STEMeducation starting from primary school teachers. This is to ensure that the mindset towards
STEMfields can be cultivated and sown from early schooling level. Teachers of primary and secondary
schools in Malaysia is still new in STEM education to understand let alone to apply the STEM
pedagogical approach in schools. Based on the Malaysia's STEM conceptual framework, primary
science education is responsible for ensuring that students are able to make connections and build a
foundation in science. Thus, the responsibility of a primary teacher is to ensure interest in science is
applied and maintained using an effective STEM pedagogical approach so that students are more
incline to investigate and explore matters related to science.Thus, this paper will share experiences of
how the teacher of an early engineering training program was implemented and the impact obtained by the teacher in preparation to implement STEM education in primary schools.