Summary: | In this study, the diversity and distribution of epiphytic myrmecophytes in Muaya Forest Reserve (Muaya FR), Sipitang were determined. Plants of interest were collected together
with their colonizing ants. Then, specimens were identified and voucher specimens were prepared. A total of 77 Individuals of epiphytic ant-plants were collected of which six species were identified, namely Myrmecodia tuberosa, Hydnophytum formicarum, Asplenium nidus, Platycerium coronarium, Aeschynanthus sp. and Hedychium sp. Diversity of epiphytic myrmecophytes was found highest at tree trunks and in the secondary. However, epiphytic myrmecophytes were occurred in abundance at fallen logs
compare to the tree trunks. In addition, epiphytic myrmecophytes were also found in abundance at lower altitude. Five species of ants were found colonizing the epiphytic antplants encountered, namely Crematogaster sp., Myrmicaria sp., Dolichoderus sp., Polyrachis sp. and Parathechina sp.. Five factors were determined to affect the occurrence of epiphytic myrmecophytes which are habitat (substrate) preferences, attitudinal factors, humidity, light intensity and forest disturbances.