Summary: | This study was divided into two parts, which were the documentation of host
plant feed by Lepidoptera and Lepidoptera rearing to records its life cycle. The study
sites include UMS Hill, Kawang Forest Reserve and Danum Valley Conservation Area.
Direct searching and quadrat sampling were applied in collection of sample which include
egg and larva of Lepidoptera while rearing was completed in captive. The favourite host
plant types for Lepidoptera are herbaceous and woody plants which accounted 37% one.
Next, tree occupied 11% while shrub occupied 10% among all plant types. The lowest
rank is 5% for woody climbers. Out of 11 families, 2 were monocotyledons plants while
9 were dicotyledons plants. All of the Lepidoptera are host specificity indicated by the
comparison of sample collection with the past documentation are from the same plant
Family. Lepidoptera are either monophagous or oligophagous. The morphology and
behaviour changes in different stages within the life cycle are recorded. In this study,
many specimens were collected as predicted to become Lepidoptera in future but failed
to survive. Few problems such as shortage of food resources, changing of weather and
climate, limited rearing space and disappearance have to be solved to improve the
successfulness of butterfly rearing in captivity. These findings contribute as the
foundation on conservation effort of Lepidoptera.