Summary: | Optimal threshold light intensity is crucial for normal larval growth and development especially for visual feeder. The present study is an attempt to determine the optimum
and effects of different light intensity on survival and growth of marble goby, Oxyeleotris marmoratus in early larval stage. The newly hatched larvae with initial length
3.16±0.17mm were obtained from Fish hatchery, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The treatments consist of 0,500,1000 and 2000 lux and tested in triplicates. Experiment
duration was 15 days with stocking density was 15 individuals/L. By the end of the experiment, survival and growth in terms of final total length were observed. Results
shown that treatment 1000 lux has significantly (P<0.05) higher survival (94.76±5.51%).
While lowest survival was observed in treatment 0 lux (0.95±1.35%) and have no
significant different (P>0.05) with treatment 500 (1.43±2.02%) and 2000 lux
(25.71±17.61%). Meanwhile for the growth, 1000 lux shows relatively higher growth
(5.33±0.06mm) but insignificantly (P>0.05) with treatment 500 lux (5.12±0.27mm).
Whereas treatment 2000 lux shows significantly (P<0.05) lower growth (4.60±0.25mm)
and no measurement could be done on treatment 0 lux as total mortality occur at the
end of the experiment. For the feeding intake, it was observed that treatment 1000 lux
shows relatively higher feed intake (11.33±0.94) compare to treatment 500 (6.33±4.49) and 2000 lux (7.66±5.43) at 15 d AH. In addition, larval condition especially on the retina development was also determined. It was observed that treatment 1000 lux shows a normal condition of retina with the well presence of cone cells. Whereas, treatment 0 and 2000 lux resulted in an abnormal condition of retina due to the damage of photoreceptors cells. Therefore, the optimum light intensity for marble goby larvae was 1000 lux. This study provides crucial knowledge to improve larval rearing technique for commercial purpose."