Summary: | Sonification is merely a new research field. It is defined as the representation of
data or information using non-speech sound. Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty
that causes a person who has dyslexia to have problems in reading, writing,
spelling or manipulating numbers even though they have normal intelligence and
were exposed to sufficient education and training. This research aims to find out
whether sonification concept can be used in the design of assistive tools for
dyslexic students. Before any sonification based assistive tools can be designed, it
is important to understand the fundamental issues, which are the listening
performances of dyslexic peoples. Based on the tasks used in measuring usability
properties of sonification applications, a listening test experimental design was
developed and the performance results were analyzed. The overall results show
that people who have dyslexia can be concluded as equivalent to normal people in
performing general tasks in sonification concepts. However, there are some
interesting results that might need to be taken into consideration for future
research enhancements.