Summary: | This study is focusing on the relationship between High Performance Work Practices
and the turnover intention among the employees in the Small and Medium
Enterprises in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Being the second largest state in Malaysia it is
inconceivable in knowing the numbers of SME establishments in Sabah are low in
comparison to the other smaller states which generate higher establishment figures.
In spite of the continuous effort by the Malaysian government in promoting
numerous SME activities in the country, there has been yet a hidden struggle for
these SME organizations to retain their employees. Based on previous studies, there
are nine practices which are known to be applied in majority of SME organizations,
namely compensation, performance appraisal, salary, training and development, job
security, job enrichment, voice, employee engagement and employee
empowerment. Previous studies have shown that these nine practices are related in
influencing an employee turnover intention. However, the findings for this study
have shown that only Job Enrichment is not significantly related towards turnover
intention. These findings provide a whole new dimension in the pattern of labor and
industrial relations practices in Sabah's SMEs particularly within the manufacturing