Summary: | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple foods for over half of the world's population. The sustainability of rice production is negatively affected by
increasing irrigation water scarcity. Dryland rice that is rain-fed and can be cultivated on dry land has lower irrigation water requirement compared to wetland paddy. Hence, it has a lot of potential to be commercialized as it has significantly lower irrigation water requirement. In this study, drought stress treatment was applied during 50%
flowering stage. Performance of three (3) selected Sabah dryland rice varieties (Galigim, Hijau Manis and Kondinga) under well-watered and drought conditions were compared. Vegetative traits including plant height, number of tillers per plant and culm height were shown to be independent on drought stress treatment at 50% flowering stage. Nevertheless, yield and its associated traits including grain yield per plant, 1000-grain weight, number of filled grains per plant, percentage of filled grains per plant
were significantly affected by the drought stress treatment applied at 50% flowering stage. Galigim was extremely sensitive to drought stress at 50% flowering stage where
the highest relative reduction in grain yield per plant (61.14%) was observed. The rice variety Hijau Manis has shown the least adverse effect (13.57% reduction) on grain
yield per plant under drought stress. The proteome pattern of the best performing Sabah dryland rice variety which was Hijau Manis under well-watered and drought conditions were compared and analyzed. Image analysis of the eBB stained gel
showed that two (2) protein bands were present in the proteomic profile of Hijau Manis in response to drought stress. Besides, three (3) protein bands were up-regulated and ten (10) protein bands were down-regulated during drought stress. One of the protein bands was up-regulated significantly by 140% under drought stress. In conclusion,
drought stress influences the yield and yield related traits Significantly and the ability of dryland rice varieties to cope with drought stress varied remarkably. Specific proteins that were regulated under drought stress can be subjected to further analysis in the future. Proteins that were induced during drought stress could be involved in drought response.