Summary: | A field experiment was conducted in guava farm at Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Sandakan, Sabah to study the taxonomy and biology of whitefly infesting guava plant in
the guava farm. The objectives of the study were to identify and to construct dichotomous keys of whitefly species, to investigate the biology and behavior of whitefly on guava plant, and to identify possible indigenous natural enemy of whitefly that will be useful for biological control. This study was conducted for three months from September to November 2015. The whitefly was collected by using leaf sampling. All stages of whitefly life cycle from eggs, pupae and adults were sampled and identified by examining live specimens by using stereomicroscope and electronic compound
microscope. The slide-mounted pupae were prepared by using temporary slide preparation method. Only one species of whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersus Rusell was found in the studied area. The most important A. dispersusidentification characteristics includes egg deposition pattern, presence of compound pores on pupa, presence of claw at each thoracic legs, length of lingula at vasiform orifice, presence of two pairs of setae at apex, form of wax secretion, adult wing structure, pupae and adults eyes structure, body structure at pupae and adults stage. The mean life cycle of A. dispersus(from eggs stage to pupae stage) was 37.07 days. The mean duration of the eggs stage,first instar stage, second instar stage, third instar stage and pupae were 7.63 + 0.38 days, 6.53 + 1.22 days, 6.43 ± 1.63 days, 6.8 + 2.86 days, and 9.67 + 4.37 days respectively. Eretmocerus mundus was found to be a potential beneficial parasitoid in controlling infestation of A. dispersus.