Summary: | This study was conducted at poultry house of the Faculty Sustainable Agriculture (FSA), University Malaysia Sabah to determine the effectiveness of feeding Tongkat ali (Eurycoma
longifolia Jack) on semen production of Kampung Chickens. Tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is an herbal medicinal plants of South-East Asian Origin, and that plants
part contain variety of bioactive compounds of high therapeutic and nutritive value. Fourteen Kampung Chickens were purchased from various districts in Sandakan, Sabah.
They were divided into two treatment of group which are group treatment one (Tl) were supplemented daily with Tongkat ali and another group (T2) were supplemented three
times a week. The Tongkat ali was given to Kampung Chickens by force feeding using the syringe. Sperm parameter with respect to ejaculate volume, colour, gross motility,
individual motility, sperm concentration, proportion of live and dead spermatozoa and proportion of abnormal morphology has been evaluated before and after the feeding of
Tongkat ali. The effectives of Tongkat ali has proven well when supplemented daily on Kampung Chickens but giving less effectives result when supplemented 3 times a week. All
the semen parameters with respect to ejaculate volume, colour, gross motility, individual motility, sperm concentration, proportion of live and dead spermatozoa and proportion of abnormal morphology has been evaluated. Supplemented daily (Tl) of Tongkat ali was significant (P<O.OS) for all semen parameters while supplemented 3 times a week only significant for colour, live and dead sperm and sperm abnormalities.