Summary: | Sabah has unique social life of 50 multiethnic groups; about 30 are
indigenous who display wide cultural diversity practices. In relation
to this the social life of these multiethnic groups has believed have a
interrelationship with the homegarden practices that have been
implemented since long time ago in their everyday life. So that, an
early documented information on these practices needs to carry out.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were to investigate the
involvement of Sandakan District villagers in practicing the
homegarden Agroforestry (AF) system with comparing six ethnics
group i.e Jawa, Bugis, Tidung, Dusun, Sungai and Chinese. This
study also looks into component combination of AF system, structure
and identifies gender participation between ethnic groups. Seventy-two
heads of households were choosing through random sampling.
Data obtained were mainly analyzed through cross tabulations and
frequencies tables; Spearmen R test and Chi-square test were
performed to determine relationship and relatedness while Kruskal
Wallis test was conducted to determine differences in structure and
component combination between six ethnic groups. Results from
Spearmen R test showed Significant relationship in component
combination; 84.7% (overall total) were preferred Agrosilvopastural
as component combination. Whilst in homegarden structure indicated
insignificant relationship. Nevertheless, Kruskal Wallis test also
showed insignificant differences between six ethnic groups in
component combination and structure at 95% Level of Confidence
(LoC). Thus, male accounted 86% as head of homegarden practices
and other family members as giving help. Hence, similar studies
need to develop in whole of Sabah to obtain a comprehensive
information of all Sabah's ethnic groups in homegarden practices.