Summary: | This quantitative research's objective was to identify the service quality dimensions
(reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible) that have significantly
Influenced companies' repurchase intention for MICE In Sabah. Meanwhile, It also
seek to investigate the relationship among the five service quality dimensions and
repurchases Intention. Another objective is to determine the moderating effect c:I
past experience with service problem upon the relationship of service quality and
repurchase Intention for MICE In Sabah. Questionnaire was based on SERVQUAL
model (Parasuraman et al, 1994) with certain modifications to fit this Industry. The
research area was focused on International MICE events that were held In Sabah
from the year 2005 until year 2007, hence only included six International events. The
survey was conducted through email to 420 participants of the six International
events with 83 completed and usable questionnaires returned. Only 70
questionnaires were used according to systematically random sampling method. The
data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software
and the result showed that there were significant relationships between three
Independent variables with repurchases intention for MICE service. The three
variables were tangible, reliability and empathy with stronger Influence variable being
mentioned first. However, another two service quality dimensions, responsiveness
and assurance, did not show significant relationship towards the repurchases
Intention. As for the moderating variables, past experience was found to have
significant moderating effect on the relationship between service quality dimensions
and repurchase Intention for MICE service in Sabah. However, the significant
moderating effect only exists when the responded companies had experienced
service problems and the service problems were resolved by service provider to their
satisfaction. For MICE service providers in Sabah, attention should be given to the
aspects of tangible, reliability and empathy. Continuous Improvement in these
aspects and overcoming problems that arise from these aspects could form a positive
past experience for their customers. As a result of these Improvement and efforts,
repurchase of MICE service in Sabah could be Increase and boost this industry.