Summary: | The objectives of this project were to isolate Streptomyces from tropical soil samples in
Sabah; to screen for antimicrobial activities of Streptomyces against Escherichia coli
0125, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella typhi; to characterize the Streptomyces
possessing antimicrobial activities and lastly to identify the Streptomyces by 16S rDNA
sequencing. The materials and methods involved the sampling of tropical soil samples of
SST and FOR samples and were incubated at 31⁰C for four days after the addition of
CaCO₃ at 1: 1 ratio. The soil were diluted with sterile distilled water and plated onto
Streptomycetes agar (SA) containing cycloheximide at 30⁰C for several days. The
Streptomyces were then spot-inoculated onto a fresh SA with grid and incubated at 30°C
until sporulation. The plate was then being overlayed with soft agar containing target
pathogens as stated above and incubated overnight. After the formation of inhibition
zones, the Streptomyces was purified by restreaking the colony on fresh SA and were
Gram-stained, KOH rapid test, and characterized. Then it was grown in broth and later
stored in 20% glycerol stock at -80°C. Its temperature, pH, and NaCl growth range were
also tested. The genotypic characterization involved the isolation of genomic DNA, the
amplification of 16S rDNA gene using PCR the cloning of the gene using TOPO® TA
cloning kit, restriction mapping of plasmid and sequencing of the gene by Sanger chain-termination
method. A total of 523 isolates were successfully purified (218 isolates from
SST and 305 isolates form FOR samples). Ten isolates exhibited antimicrobial activities
(nine from SST samples and one from FOR samples). Four of these isolates were
identified as Streptomyces, i.e. isolate SST2, No.2; SST4, No.11; SST5, No.14; and
SST5, No.17. Further characterizations of the four showed they were different but stop
short at identifying the species of the Streptomyces. Further genotypic characterization of
isolate SST2, No.2 have shown that it has the 16S rDNA gene of 1576bp and similarity
searches lead to the Streptomyces sp. 10-3 and Streptomyces sp. 10-2. It can be concluded
that this project has achieved its main objectives while elucidating several new findings
for future studies.