Germplasm collection of Rice in Sabah (phase 1 - west coast)

Sabah Is losing its rice diversity because paddy fields have been converted Into infrastructure development, due to lack of man power In the paddy fields, along with high Input but low return. This will affect the future plant breeding programmes by limiting the available resources. Therefore, this...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Research Report
Published: Universiti Malaysia Sabah 2012
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Summary:Sabah Is losing its rice diversity because paddy fields have been converted Into infrastructure development, due to lack of man power In the paddy fields, along with high Input but low return. This will affect the future plant breeding programmes by limiting the available resources. Therefore, this study was carried out to collect, characterise and establish rice germ plasm In UMS. The materials of this study were collected from Sabah West Coast, especially Kota Belud, Tuaran and Penampang districts. Only 108 materials were collected In this study. Collected seeds or panicles were dried, deaned, sorted and stored at SPL Laboratory. Seven upland rice varieties were regenerated for characterisation purposes. A total of 45 characteristics (traits) were evaluated based on rice description. Quantitative variables were analyzed using one way ANOVA while qualitative variables were analysed using Shannon-Weaver indexes. Sabah upland rice varieties have the mean of seedling height, leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, ligule length, number of days to heading, culm length, number of bearing culm, culm diameter, panide length, and plant height of 44.07::1: 0.45 an, 43.51 :I: 0.45, 1.48 :I: 0.01, 48.49 ::I: 0.69 0112, 16.72 ±0.18 em, 116.79 :I: 0.94 days, 94.78 ±1.09 an, 4.8 ± 0.22 number, 0.44 ± 0.005 mm, 18.12 ± 0.22 an, and 112.88 :I: 1.07 an, respectively. On the qualitative traits, Sabah upland rice varieties were predominated by Intermediate and pubescent leaves; pale green to dark green blade leaf colour; green and purple lines basal leaf sheath colour; erect leaf angle; erect flag leaf angle; white ligule; acute to aaJmlnate and 2-c1eft ligule shape; pale green collar and auridei erect culm angle; green Intemote; moderately strong to strong culm; compact pan Ides; light and heavy secondary branching; well exserted panicles; straight panldes; low shattering; and diffiQJIt thresh-ability. Overall, the diversity Indexes (H' = 3.62, 1'= 0.86) Indicated that the Sabah upland rice varieties have low diversity. However, it Is believed that these varieties consist of useful traits for future breeding programmes.