Summary: | Studies were conducted to evaluate the milk yield and linear body measurements of Saanen dairy goat at early lactation stage (0 until 9 weeks postpartum). A total of 10 Saanen were chosen randomly among the early lactating group as experimental units. The parameters for linear body measurement were body weight (BW), circumference of heart girth (HG) and body length (BL). Study was conducted by collecting the data weekly. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine BWT, HG, BL and Yield with the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS 9.3. Pearson's correlation Coefficients between parameters measured were determined using the CORR procedure in SAS. The level of significant level used to determine the differences between treatment is P<0.05. There was significant difference on milk yield (P<0.05) between weekly collected data. However, most of the parameters measured were not differed significantly (P>0.05) between the weeks in lactation. The peak milk yield (P<0.05) was recorded at week 6 postpartum with mean yield 2.75 litre. The average milk yield, BWT, BL and HG of Saanen dairy goat at early lactation was determined as 2.33 litre, 42.65 kg, 78.21 and 79.32 cm respectively. There is correlation (P<0.05) between BL and all parameters measured. The strength of correlation was determine based on the coefficient of correlation (r value). There is a strong correlation observed between BWT and HG (r=0.80), while there is also correlation between BL with BWT (r=0.75), HG (r=0.50) and yield (r=0.05). The most favourable regression equation established is when BL and HG is considered together, with coefficient of determination up to 75% and the equation is derived as: BWT = -94.200 + (BL *1.561) + (HG*2.844).