Summary: | Achieving a better balance of fatty acids in the diet has become the issues in animal nutrition field to decreasing intakes of cholesterol and saturated fats of consumer. Toe objective of the study was to determine the effects of raw candlenut kernel as feed supplement on meat fatty acid composition in breast and thigh part of broiler chickens. A total of 100 DOC male broiler chicks (CobbS00) were bought and assigned into treatments randomly using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). There are four treatments which are basal diet containing no supplement as control treatment (Tl), basal diet supplemented with 2.5% of candlenut (T2), basal diet supplemented with 2.5% candlenut oil (T3) and basal diet supplemented with 2.5% candlenut waste (T4). These treatments were given starting from 22 days old. Data obtained has been analysed based on one way ANOVA using the generalized linear model of SAS. 20 broiler chickens were slaughtered at the age of 42 days old and meat sample has been taken of breast and thigh part. Proximate composition of meat was analysed for their dry matter, moisture, ash, crude protein and crude fat content. Only dry matter and crude fat shows significant difference among treatment where T3 (88. 74%) and T2 (12.95%) was the highest respectively. Proximate analysis for broiler finisher diet was analysed to help in giving the information for the transferring of composition from diet to the meat. Raw candlenut kernel does not affect the compositions of meat for their dry matter, moisture and ash content. It does affect broiler meat crude protein where T3 (23.16%) was the highest. Crude fat in T3 also the highest with 36.61%. Fatty acid composition for breast part and thigh part, the ratio of n-6/n-3 was not affected by treatment given even though n-6 content in breast part shows significant for T3 (25.40%). Which means that the raw candlenut kernel does not affect the fatty acid composition of meat of broiler chicken. In conclusion, raw candlenut kernel does not give any significant effects as feed supplement on meat fatty acid composition in breast and thigh part of broiler chickens. Adequate ratio of n-6/n-3 contributes to maintaining and even improvement of health for consumer. As a recommendation, study on which materials are naturally rich in PUFA thus their effect on the health of consumers should be done more.