Summary: | This study aims to explore the potential of landscape design to foster nature appreciation among preschool children. The study site is located at Tadika Pelangi Methodist Sandakan. The objectives of this study are to assess stakeholders' input on the planning of Tadika Pelangi Methodist Sandakan landscape design; conduct site inventory and analysis at Tadika Pelangi Methodist Sandakan; and produce design recommendations which promote pro-environmental behaviour among preschool children. This study employed qualitative methodologies which were 1) site inventory and analysis; 2) Mosaic approach; 3) interviews with parents and staff; and 4) focus group with teachers. Data collection involved the participation of 30 preschool children, nine parents and seven staff. Based on the findings, the existing landscape at Tadika Pelangi Methodist Sandakan can be improved to offer better visual appearances and inculcate pro-environmental behaviour among preschool children through edible gardening activities. The proposed site was divided into four zones namely Zone A, Zone B, zone C and Zone D. Master plan, perspective views of zones and planting palette were produced by the end of study as landscape design recommendation. In conclusion, a landscape design with an edible garden was proposed to be established in Tadika Pelangi Methodist Sandakan to further develop an appreciation of nature among preschool children. This research project has successfully explored the viewpoints of children using Mosaic approach in devising a landscape design that enhances their physical and mental development needs.