Summary: | A study on the effect of land use (Logged Forest and Oil Palm Plantation) on freshwater macroinvertebrates assemblages in vicinity of Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Lahad Datu, Sabah was conducted from August 2014 to February 2015. The sampling was done in the stream which flows across secondary forest area and plantation area. Kick net method was used to sample the freshwater invertebrates at both area. A total of 3,579 individuals were sampled consisting of 76 families from eight orders of freshwater invertebrates from both of the land use. The diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in secondary forest was found to be slightly higher than plantation area with H'= 3.213 and H'= 3.188 respectively. The aquatic macroinvertebrates were also found to be more abundance in riffle habitat and least in pool habitats. The diversity for pool habitat, however, was the highest among all other habitats with H'= 3. 709. Both physico-chemical parameters and biotic indices indicated that the invertebrate communities were affected by the water quality in their surrounding and may be use for rapid assessment of water quality in TWR.