Summary: | To know the prevalence of emotional and behavioural disordes among primary school children of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, a preliminary study was done in two primary schools during the year 2011. This study was a cross-sectional, nonrandomized descriptive type of study. Total of 112 children were selected from primary 1 to 6 classes who were age range between 6 to 12 years. Teachers of the respective classes filled up the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) of Bahasa Melayu version. Out of 112 children, total 12 children have abnormal score in emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity and peer problems sub-scale (10.71 %). 2 children have borderline score (1.78%). 6 children have only abnormal emotional· symptoms (5.36%), 4 children had only abnormal conduct problems (3.57%) and 2 children had both emotional and conduct problems (1.78%). 1 children have hyperactivity score abnormal (0.89%) and 1 child had peer problem score abnormal (0.89%). None had pro-social score abnormal. Comparing private and public schools, emotional problems were more prevalent in public school (1.67 times more in public school) and conduct problems were more prevalent in private school (2 times more in private school). Comparing gender, girls had more emotional problems than boys (1.67 times more in girls) and boys had more conduct problems (2 times more in boys). Comparing age, emotional problems were more prevalent in 10 years children and conduct problems were more prevalent in 7 years children.