Summary: | Toe ultimate goal in economics of happiness was to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday life. Thus, this study attempted to identify the factors that influences happiness among Sabahans. Toe dependent variable was happiness among Sabahans. It was measured by using 5 point likert scale where family relationship, financial situation, work, community and friends, health and public policy were the independent variables. Toe study used convenient sampling to gather 387 respondents. Toe instrument of study was questionnaire which was adapted and modified. Toe reliability of the questionnaires was tested through a pilot test involving 50 respondents before distributed to 387 respondents. Toe analysis began with a factor analysis to determine the validity of the questions. This was followed by a descriptive analysis that described the profile of the respondents as well as the central tendency measurement (mean, minimum and maximum value and standard deviation) on the response. Toe Partial Least Square estimation method was used to further analyze the data. Toe study conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess the reliability of the model used. In addition, the Structural Model Evaluation confirmed the significance of the hypothesis. Toe result revealed that family relationship, community and friends, work and financial situation influences happiness among Sabahans unlike health and public policy. Among the significant variables, family relationship was found to be the most significant.