Sažetak: | Carica papaya is a tropical plant belonging to the Caricaceae family. Rich in phytochemical content, its leaves especially is renowned for its many health benefits especially for its anticancer properties as well as a supplement in treating
dengue disease. This study thus aimed to optimise aqueous extraction and to determine the effect of honey infusion on the leaves extract which was analysed using TPC, TFC, FRAP and DPPH assays respectively. Based on analysis of 1 g of
sample extracted with 100ml deionised water, the optimal extraction conditions for aqueous extraction were determined to be at 700C for 20 minutes where its TPC
was 9.97+0.47 mg GAE/mL (p<0.05), TFC was totaled at 2.64+0.01 mg QUE/mL (p<0.05) while its FRAP assay was amounted to 16.84+1.10 mg TE/mL. Radical scavenging values using DPPH assay was recorded to be 87.53% with its IC50 at 492.54+2.45 mg TE/mL (p<0.05). Study on the infusion of “kelulut” honey with the
leaves extract provides evidence that not only does it improve the taste of the bitter
papaya extract; the positive synergy also increases the overall antioxidant activity.
The aforementioned tests and assays recorded higher antioxidant activity with
increasing honey dosage (max 4tbsp.), where its TPC was 21.66+0.54 mg GAE/mL
(p<0.05), while antioxidant activity based on FRAP assay yielded 24.02+0.87 mg
TE/mL (p<0.05). Accordingly, radical scavenging activity based on DPPH assay was
98.20% and lower IC50 value compared to infusion at lower dosage, amounting at
408.02+4.98 mg TE/mL. Subsequently, gallic acid and quercetin isolated from
freeze dried Carica papaya leaves extract was higher compared to freshly prepared
sample. However, conversely, gallic acid and quercetin yielded from fresh “kelulut”
honey and Carica papaya leaves extract infused with “kelulut” honey is higher in
fresh sample, suggesting that preservation effect using freeze dry method differ
depending on sample type and method of preparation. Future study can therefore
be done to improve and develop standardised preparation of infused papaya leaves
with honey, and subsequently releasing it for commercial usage.