Summary: | Watercress (Nasturtium officinale), a green vegetable belongs to the Brassicaceae, contains considerable amounts of vitamins, minerals and secondary metabolites such as glucosinolates (GS). Watercress contain phenyl ethyl glucosinolate (gluconasturtiin), i.e. precursor of phenyl ethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC), which is widely reported to restrain the growth of cancer cells. The content of secondary metabolites and other compounds in plants is affected by different growth conditions such as pH, temperature, light intensity and nutrient supply. Thus, the aim of the current study is to evaluate the concentration of gluconasturtiin (and other GS) and antioxidant properties in watercress cultivated in vitro under different growth conditions. The samples were collected from watercress growing wild in a spring in Kundasang area, Ranau Sabah and subjected to sterilisation to establish N. officinale in vitro culture in the lab. The sterilization was done by using Chlorox® solution (5% v/v) containing Tween 20 to obtain 90% survival rate of the plants. It was grown inside glass jar containing hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (1962) and 0.25 % (v/v) of Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) with and without elicitor/ natural additives. It was placed inside growth chamber at 25°C with 16 hours photoperiod and was harvested at 10 days interval after transplant until 60 days. Phenyl ethyl glucosinolate (PEGSL) and Benzyl glucosinolate (BGSL) increased over five-fold and three-fold, respectively, in non-treated plant culture compared to wild plant. Shoot culture of watercress had the ability to synthesize higher amounts of PEGSL (1.81 ± 0.04 µmol g-1FW) and BGSL (1.19 ± 0.03 µmol g-1 FW) when it is grown under non-elicited and without treatment of additives after thirty days. Amongst those plants samples treated with elicitors/additives, in vitro plant culture treated with casein hydrolysate shows the highest accumulation of PEGSL (1.60 ± 0.08 µmol/g FW) and BGSL (0.82 µmol/g). Elicited plant in this study has low glucosinolates content as compared to non-elicited plant. Nevertheless, all in vitro grown plant in this study showed higher concentration of PEGSL and BGSL compared to the matured wild plant. Plant grown without treatment (elicitors/ additives) shows highest FRAP value (77.05 ± 6.43 mg trolox/g DW), lowest IC50 (509.16 ± 7.03 µg/ml DW), highest total phenolic content (131 ± 1.49 GAE µg/ml) and highest flavonoid content (82.4 ± 7.04 µg/ml QU) as compared to wild plant and other in vitro watercress sample. Thus, in vitro culture watercress without elicitors (chitosan) and additives (casein hydrolysate, coconut water) is the richest source of glucosinolates and antioxidant in this study.