Summary: | (1) Plants are vigorous, laxly branched, with filamentous propagules in leaf axils near the branch tips; (2) branches are complanate to sub-tumid, and sometimes slightly secund; (3) branch leaves are widely lanceolate, plicate, apices are plane but often constricted below apices; (4) leaf margins are denticulate with geminate teeth; (5) lamina cells are prorulate to prorate; (6) inner perichaetial leaves are strongly laciniate at apex, broadly ovate-lanceolate, plicate, and margin serrate to the base; (7) setae (immature) are 11 mm long, papillose above, papillae low and sparse, smooth below; (8) calyptrae (immature) are mitriform, hispid with several long erect hairs over surface, and base ciliate.