Summary: | End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients undergoing maintenance
hemodialysis (HD) often experience a state of metabolic and nutritional
derangements that is highly associated with morbidity and mortality due to the
protein energy wasting (PEW) disorder. Identification of PEW was
recommended by International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism
(ISRNM) with a reported prevalence of 18-75%. However, direct quantification
of muscle wasting remains unsolved for this population besides there are no
consistent guidelines and standardized scoring tools in a diverse patient-wide
population that making it difficult to diagnose PEW. Thus, it is prudent to
identify biomarkers signature of PEW using proton nuclear magnetic resonance
(1H-NMR) based metabolomics approach which will assist in diagnosis of PEW.
In this cross-sectional study, a total of 106 subjects of ESRD patients
undergoing chronic HD were stratified into PEW (n=53) and Non-PEW (NPEW)
(n=53) based on the established ISRNM criteria. Fasting predialysis plasma
samples with filtration were analyzed by 1H-NMR and the data acquired
through by the combination of presaturation (PRESAT) and the Carr–Purcell–
Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence were further processed using
Chenomx. Multivariate data analysis and the statistical analysis were
performed using SIMCA-P and the SPSS softwares to discriminate the
metabolomics profiles between the two groups.
Orthogonal partial least square discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) demonstrated
the difference in metabolomics profiles between PEW and NPEW patients by
the principal component 1 and indicates that PEW syndrome induced specific
metabolic pattern alteration. Combination of loading plots and variable
importance in projection (VIP) plots of OPLS-DA model provides the important
variable that contributed to the group separation. A total of 32 metabolites were
identified and quantified using Chenomx, with 18 metabolites belong to PEW
groups and 14 metabolites represented NPEW groups. Among all the
metabolites analyzed using Mann-Whitney U Test, 3-hydroxybutyrate
(p<0.001), acetate (p=0.027), arabinose (p=0.029), maltose (p=0.021), ribose
(p=0.041), sucrose (p=0.008), and tartrate (p=0.018) were significantly
increased (p<0.05) in PEW subjects whilst creatinine (p<0.001) was
significantly decreased.
However, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that the contribution of
arabinose, maltose, ribose, sucrose and tartrate on the group discrimination
might be affected by age and dialysis vintage. Besides, creatinine was also
showed to be significantly correlated (p<0.01) with the anthropometric mid-arm
muscle area (MAMA) (rs =0.426), lean tissue mass (LTM) (rs=0.362) and
albumin (rs=-0.315). Our results signified that patients who experienced PEW
had different metabolic profiles as opposed to NPEW patients. Pathway
analysis indicated that PEW-related metabolites triggered perturbation in fatty
acid mechanism and induced gluconeogenesis as well as glyoxylate and
dicarboxylate metabolism. These results provide primary data in understanding
metabolic perturbation of PEW and corresponding abnormal metabolites that
potentially serve as biomarker of PEW.