Summary: | The objective of this study was to determine the antipruritic activity of Haruan
extract against dry skin and chemically induced itch mice models. The study was
designed as alternative method, as HE antipruritic potential cream has never
been reported for specific dry skin itch. In attempt to established the
pharmacological properties of HE, the antipruritic potential of HE was
investigated using dry skin itch, histamine-itch and C48/80 itch mouse model.
Throughout the study, the animals were divided into 18 groups. Each group
divided by different inducer containing 8 mice per group. For the first stage of
behavioural study, all rostral back of mice were shaved and acclimatise for 3
days. For dry skin itch model, AEW were topically applied to induce itch twice
daily for five consecutive days. Histamine itch model were SC injected with
0.3mg/kg and C48/80 itch model were SC injected with 3.6mg/kg. All models
were continuously applied with 3%, 7% and 10% of HE creams and placed in
custom chambers on an elevated metal mesh floor and recorded for 30 minutes.
The possible effect of Haruan extract cream on TNF-α gene expression level
was determined by RNA extraction of skin followed by RT-PCR and analysed by
relative quantification using comparative method. The morphological change of
the skin was determined by stained with H&A and evaluated of general epidermal
thickness using image analyser. The behavioral observed of dry skin itch,
histamine, and C48/80 induced mice models were showed reduced in scratch
duration shown by 10%, 7% and 3% HE creams treatment. The TNF-α gene
expression showed the Histamine and C48/80 induced model were exhibit the
reading of gene expression in HE creams treatment comparison to the negative
control groups. The morphological findings that all different models which were
treated with HE creams had produced an anti-oedematous and reduced the
epidermal thickness with similar potential to that of steroid-based hydrocortisone
1% cream. In conclusion, this study highlights the potential antipruritic activity of
HE that can be partly attributed to other probable mechanism for skin protective,
which warrants further investigation.