Summary: | Aluminium alloy AA6061 is widely used in various applications which generates a lot
of waste in the form of aluminium chips that can be recycled back to the industry. The
success of recycling AA6061 alloy chips is highly dependent on extrusion process
parameters and the reinforcing materials to enhance its aluminium properties. However,
incorporating copper oxide (CuO) and silica oxide (SiO2) nanoparticles into the
aluminium matrix is a difficult task particularly due to their agglomeration as well as
aggregations in the metal matrix nanoparticle reinforced composites (MMNCs).
Furthermore, little quantities of these nanoparticles as reinforcements provides an
effective improvement of the thermal, physical and mechanical properties of these
nanocomposites. In addition, the literature lacks a comprehensive analysis of the
relationship between the strength performance and hybrid composite materials. In this
study, the nano silica oxide (SiO2) and nano copper oxide (CuO) were used for
reinforcement purposes. Also, the research aimed at optimizing the influences of
preheating temperature (PHT), preheating time (PHti), volume fraction of nano silica
oxide (SiO2) and nano copper oxide (CuO) on the physical and mechanical properties of
the aluminium AA6061 hybrid composite samples through hot extrusion treatment.
Furthermore, the comparison and investigation analysis of physical, mechanical, and
morphology between the single reinforced Al6061-SiO2 and Al6061-CuO
nanocomposites were done. The three parameters mentioned above were varied in the
range of 450 - 550 oC, 1 - 3 h, and 1 - 3 vol%. The optimum values of PHT, PHti, and
VF to obtain the maximum tensile strength value was established to be at 541ºC, 2.25 h,
as well as 1 vol.% of SiO2 and 2.13 vol.% CuO volume fraction respectively. On top of
that, the response surface design (RSM) showed that the interaction between the
reinforcements and PHT values contributed significantly to the strength and
microhardness. While for the density values of the samples of both reinforcements, the
PHti value was significant. On the other hand, the peak tensile strength value of 295.97
MPa was observed in the heat-treated extrudes which was improved to about 27%
compared to the optimum tensile strength value of 232.66 MPa in nonheat-treated
sample. At the same time, the Random Forest result value of 2.73% error for both
validation and prediction showed that indicating the highly accurate results with no
significant over-estimation or under-estimation of the targeted values. Finally, the
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) profiles were employed to explain the weight
loss, heat flow and crystallization temperature. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) showed that the fractured
surface in tensile samples differed in contours due to the proper distribution of stress in
the composite samples. Lastly, the analysis of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and XRay
Diffraction (XRD) revealed that the distribution of CuO and SiO2 reinforced
particles in specimens were slightly uniform. The results showed that the use of SiO2
and CuO as reinforcements in AA6061 recycling could avoid the possibility of particles
aggregation in the recycled composites.