Summary: | The aim of this study is to predict the likelihood of socio-demographic factors on type of
productive time use activities among UPM’s retirees. This study intends to bridge the
gap in literature by analyzing the likelihood of socio-demographic factors on type of
productive aging based on time use pattern. Specifically, this study was conducted with
the aim of achieving four objectives namely i) to determine the pattern of time use among
UPM’s retirees; ii) to determine productive activities categories among UPM’s retirees
based on time use pattern; iii) to determine the prediction of socio-demographic factors
on types of productive aging among UPM’s retirees; and iv) to estimate the economic
value of productive activities of UPM’s retirees.
Despite the aging population has become one of the most critical socio-demographic
phenomena across the world, few empirical studies have been conducted to investigate
the literature through the estimations of the economic value of older person’s
contribution to the society and profiling them with types of productive aging through the
pattern of their time use. Thus, two main approaches have been used to value unpaid
work namely: i) replacement cost, and ii) opportunity cost. Literatures generally focuses
on seeing older person as burden to society. Therefore, the estimation cost from both
methods have been used to differentiate the economic gap between the economic
contributions produced by older people and the pension costs provided by the
government that has been received to the older people.
A total of 210 respondents participated in the study. A multinomial logistic regression
was performed to model the relationship between the socio-demographic factors (gender,
age, education level, marital status, employment status, income level) and membership
in the four groups (labor force type, household management activities, care/support
activity and self-management type). Results indicated that time use pattern associated
with type of productive aging among older people were different based on socio-demographic factors. The probability of older adults belonging to a certain cluster was
significantly different by gender, education level, marital status, employment status and
income level. This helps to explain what kinds of attributes construct differentials in
older adulthood, via which types of productive activities.
In conclusion, older people may be thought to be inactive when they may actually be
producing much more than we commonly expect. Thus, this undoubtedly requires a
sharing of responsibilities between the government, private sector, non-governmental
agencies and the community to understand the potential roles of the older adults as active
community members and aim at promoting productive aging in future.