Summary: | The discovery and introduction of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections have
almost successfully eradicated the threats posed by infectious bacteria.
However, the misuse of antibiotics such as over-prescription of antibiotics and
patient’s non-compliance in completing the antibiotic course have led to the
development of resistance in microorganisms due to the natural selection
process. Consequently, novel antibiotics or alternatives have to be developed
and discovered in order to mitigate this resistance. In this study, two compounds,
beta-caryophyllene (BCP) and 1,8-cineol (CN), were first screened against
several bacteria such as Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli as well as multidrugresistant
strains Klebsiella pneumoniae to assess the antibacterial effects,
followed by a few assays to evaluate the modes of action of the two mentioned
compounds. We found that BCP and CN exhibited antibacterial effect against
B. cereus and Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producing K.
pneumoniae (KPC-KP) with the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2.50
% (v/v) and 3.13 % (v/v) respectively. Time-kill analysis was performed to
evaluate the killing kinetics of the compounds. Results show that BCP and CN
was bactericidal against B. cereus and KPC-KP based on the reduction number
of ≥ 3 log10 in CFU/mL. Subsequently, zeta-potential measurement,
measurement of UV-absorbing materials, ethidium bromide influx/efflux assay,
outer membrane permeability assay, scanning and transmission electron
microscopies, oxidative stress evaluation and lipid peroxidation were performed
to evaluate the modes of action of the compounds. The results obtained from
various assays showed increased in membrane permeability and leakage of UVabsorbing
materials (protein and nucleic acid) in BCP and CN-treated cultures,
showing that both BCP and CN played a role in disrupting the bacterial
membrane. Ethidium bromide influx/efflux assay showed that the influx of
compounds into the bacterial cells was due to damaged membrane caused by
BCP and CN. In addition, measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
lipid peroxidation in CN-treated KPC-KP cells revealed that CN caused increase
in ROS and malondialdehyde levels. The morphology of KPC-KP cells treated with CN showed corrugated surfaces and irregular rod-shaped forms under
scanning electron microscopic analysis, as well as cytoplasmic clear zones due
to intracellular leakage and damaged membrane in transmission electron
microscopic analysis. In conclusion, BCP causes increase in membrane
permeability, intracellular leakage and membrane disruption. CN induced
oxidative stress which leads to lipid oxidation, affecting the membrane
permeability, intracellular leakage and eventually disruption in the bacterial
membrane, resulting in cell death. This study investigated the mechanisms of
action of BCP and CN in bacterial membrane disruptions. The findings of this
study could be helpful in the future employment of BCP and CN as novel
alternatives for existing antibacterial agents in the clinical setting.