Summary: | The aminoimidazoazaarenes types of heterocyclic amines (AIA-types of HCAs)
and the 4PAH of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemical
compounds that form abundantly in muscle meat cooked at 150°C and above
from the reaction between the amino acids and the reducing sugar. Studies on
HCAs and PAHs formation are essential as both compounds have been
classified as carcinogenic by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC). Many studies on HCAs and PAHs focused on their formation in food
samples. However, the most susceptible amino acid and sugar precursor was
unable to be identified due to the complex system containing many food
components. Chemical model system have the advantages of allowing
researchers to study the effect of single precursor on HCAs or PAHs formation
as the system contains only the precursor. From using chemical model system,
previous studies have identified phenylalanine, proline, and glycine as the
amino acids responsible for the formation of the AIA-types of HCAs and the
4PAH that are abundant in cooked muscle meat. Nevertheless, studies on the
simultaneous formation are limited although they originated from the same
precursor and most reported studies focused on HCAs and PAHs formation
separately. There is also limited data on the rate formation involving kinetic
studies that can be used to signify the difference between each precursor on
the formation of HCAs and PAHs. Therefore, the objective of this study is to
identify the most susceptible amino acid (phenylalanine, proline, and glycine)
and sugar (glucose, fructose, and sucrose) precursor for the simultaneous
formation of HCAs and PAHs at household cooking time and temperature using
chemical model system with the adaption of kinetic study. Essentially, this
study uses an amino acid model system and a sugar model system to
investigate the effects of these precursors on the simultaneous formation of
HCAs and PAHs. The used of phenylalanine, proline, and glycine were
selected as it was identified by previous studies to from most of the HCAs and
PAHs compound. Each amino acid model systems were heated at a household
cooking temperature and time ranged from 150°C to 270°C at 4 to 16 minutes.
The data obtained were fitted into the first-order model equation, Arrhenius
equation, and Eyring equation to determine the rate formation of HCAs and
PAHs from different amino acid model systems. In sugar model system,
glucose, fructose, and sucrose were chosen since they are commonly found in
meat. The formation of HCAs and PAHs were identified and quantified using
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with photo diode
array (PDA) and fluorescence (FLD) detectors. Gas chromatography – mass
spectrometry (GC-MS) screening on the model system containing the most
susceptible amino acid and sugar was conducted to identify the possible
intermediate compounds causing the formation of HCAs and PAHs and
predicting the pathway formation. The findings of this study revealed that
heating temperature has higher significant effect over heating time. The
presence of various amino acids significantly influenced the types of HCAs and
PAHs formed, whereas the presence of sugar highly influenced the amount
formed. Furthermore, not all amino acid were able to form HCAs but can easily
form PAHs. Phenylalanine was identified as the precursor for imidazoquinoline,
imidazoquinoxaline, imidazopyridine; proline was the precursor
imidazoquinoxaline, and imidazopyridine; whereas as glycine was the
precursor for imidazoquinoline, and imidazoquinoxaline. Interestingly, all three
amino acids were the precursor for PAHs which comprises of cata-condensed
PAHs (benz[a]anthracene, BaA and chrysene, Chry) and peri-condensed PAHs
(benzo[b]fluoranthen, BbF and benzo[a]pyrene, BaP). The results from the
kinetic studies revealed that regardless on the types of amino acids used, the
simultaneous formation of HCAs and PAHs followed the first-order model and
that the reaction was an endothermic and bimolecular reaction. Based on the
reaction rate (k) and activation energy (Ea) values obtained from the first-order
model and the Arrhenius equation, the formations of HCAs and PAHs in each
amino acid (phenylalanine, proline, and glycine) model systems were formed at
a relatively different rate. All HCAs and PAHs compounds were identified in the
heated system of phenylalanine. Hence, phenylalanine was identified as the
most susceptible amino acid for the simultaneous formation HCAs and PAHs
followed by glycine and proline. In the sugar model systems, glucose was
identified as the most susceptible sugar precursor, forming high amount of
HCAs and PAHs. This was then followed by fructose and sucrose. In general,
the increased in the amino acid and sugar concentrations resulted in a
significant increase in the simultaneous formation of HCAs and PAHs. The GCMS
screening on model system with most susceptible amino acid
(phenylalanine) and sugar (glucose) precursor identified five compound namely
4-methyl quinoline, methyl-3-phenylpropanoate, 3,6-dibenzylpiperazine-2,5-
dione, 3-benzyl-6-methylpiperazine-2,5-dione, and creatinine that were
involved in the pathway formation of HCAs and PAHs. It can be concluded that
different amino acids highly influence the types of HCAs and PAHs whereas,
the reducing sugar highly influence the amount of HCAs and PAHs formed.
Their simultaneously formation occurred at a relatively different rate depending
on the type of amino acid presence. However, regardless on the type of amino
acids, the simultaneous formation follows the first order model and the reaction
was an endothermic and bimolecular reaction. Phenylalanine and glucose were
identified as the most susceptible precursor for the simultaneous formation of
HCAs and PAHs.