Summary: | The Malay world and scholarly activities are inseparable. Therefore this study attempts to
identify some of the essential values and characteristics of the prevailing knowledge culture
in Riau society around the 17th century and peaked in the 19th century. By using the content
analysis approach to some texts produced by the 19th century Riau scholar, namely Raja Ali
Haji, the study will focus analysing Tuhfat Al-Nafis, Bustan al-Katibin li Al-Sibyan alMutacallimin, Thammarat al-Muhimmah Diyafat li Al-Umara’ wa Al-Kubara’ li Ahl alMahkamah and the letter of Raja Ali Haji to Von De Wall. The result of the study has shown
that the knowledge culture of Riau was first, supported and enriched by religious activities
and the practices of tariqah among leaders and nobles. Second, is the attitude of its leaders
who love knowledge, and respect scholars and scholarly efforts that occur everywhere. Third,
the presence of prominent scholars and essential works of Islamic studies. Fourth, efforts to
strengthen the language among the community, particularly the Malay and Arabic languages.
These features and values can serve as a guide for society in nurturing a positive intellectual
culture today.