Summary: | Macrofaunal diversity and composition are essential to understanding the
ecosystem structures and functions of mangroves in any dynamic estuarine coast. To
understand the temporal distribution of macrofaunal community structures and diversity
on the surface sediment in the intertidal mangrove forest next to the seagrass beds, this
study was conducted at Punang-Sari-River estuary, Lawas, Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo),
South China Sea. Sampling was done during post-monsoon, intermediate-September, premonsoon, and monsoon from July 2019 to February 2020. The mean macrofauna abundance
was higher pre-monsoon, while Gastropoda Optediceros breviculum (L. Pfeiffer, 1855)
was the most abundant (RA = 0.704). Important Species Index (ISI = 70.36) and percentage
of contribution (64.97%) were also higher for this species than any other records from
the site. The ANOSIM (Analysis of Similarity), Jaccard index and SIMPER (Similarity
Percentage Analysis) analysis suggested that the highest species abundance similarity was
observed between pre-monsoon and monsoon, while the highest dissimilarity was observed
between intermediate-September and pre-monsoon (74.67%). Seasonal PCA, nMDS, and
cluster analysis revealed that pre-monsoon and monsoon were comparable in species and
individual abundance. The dominance (0.85) was found significantly higher (P < 0.0001)
in intermediate-September, while Simpson (0.734), Shannon (1.56) and Evenness indices
(0.528) were found higher in monsoon, followed by the higher Margalef richness indices
(3.21) in post-monsoon. It was observed that the seasonal ecological parameters were
found to be significantly (P < 0.05) different, including the temperature, salinity, rainfall,
pore water nitrogenous compounds (NO2
, NO3
and NH3
-N), phosphorus compound (PO4
and micro minerals. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results suggested that
ecological factors influenced several species. Considering the few studies on mangrove
macrofauna in Malaysian Borneo, further research on their trophic structures and food
web interactions is very important to disclose their overall characteristics and ecosystem