Summary: | Internet of Things (IoT) networks, which are large peer-to-peer networks of small
devices, require a competent security system that can scale and adapt to the limited
resources of the IoT devices. Node authentication is a crucial part of IoT security. Owing
to the centralized nature of IoT networks, the current internet security solutions are
deemed to be insufficient to meet their security requirements and might even generate
more potential points of failure. Existing blockchain structures can provide a
decentralized solution for IoT security but their complicated computation requirements
exceed the limited resources of IoT devices. This research work addresses the need for
a blockchain structure with lower computational requirements that can be applied to IoT
device authentication. This structure also addresses the issue of potential points of failure
and offers a solution for data availability. The blockchain structure requires a consensus
algorithm that is lightweight, efficient and meets the computational limitations of the
IoT devices.
In light of the aforementioned issues, this thesis presents a lightweight, scalable, and
secure authentication framework for IoT networks based on blockchain technology.
First, this thesis proposes a clustering algorithm for IoT devices based on the device
energy residues, the device location relative to other devices in the network, and the
device computational ability. The devices are arranged in a hierarchical structure of
blockchains according to the clusters. In addition, this work presents a data
communication scheme based on the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) where the data
is shared between the devices and managed in a decentralized way. A simplified
consensus algorithm is then proposed in the thesis. It offers an identity-based encryption
to create a key pair for each device. The device would send a signed authentication
request to the devices in the network, and if the request is verified a block containing
this request is added to the cluster blockchain. The authentication process proposed in
this thesis uses the block hash and block index of the block that contains the device
authentication request. These values are stored in tables in each device in the network.
The block hash of the sending device is transmitted with the message. The receiver
would compare the hash value to that stored in the authentication table to authenticate
the sender.
The performance evaluation is conducted through simulation and testbed measurement
where the results have shown that the proposed blockchain structure has decreased the
processing load by 45.8% and reduces the message size required for blockchain
consensus by 45% compared to linear blockchain. Furthermore, the adoption of IPFS
has not only boosted the accessibility of data files on the network but has also
demonstrated a remarkable reduction in data sharing time, with a 27% decrease in upload
times and a 23.67% decrease in download times when compared to File Transfer
Protocol (FTP). The consensus algorithm has also substantially reduced the block
creation time. The proposed authentication protocol has reduced the time required for
authentication by 12.5% compared to similar blockchain based authentication protocols.
Finally, the informal analysis and software analysis of the proposed authentication
protocol has shown that it has immunity against possible security attacks where the
probability of successful majority attack has been reduced by 40% compared to Bitcoin.
Owing to the enhanced performance of the proposed solutions, particularly in terms of
security, scalability, and complexity, it paves the way for the implementation of
decentralized security in IoT applications within the realms of healthcare and agriculture.