Summary: | A comprehensive study on sediment profile is important in comprehending the
historical condition of sediment degradation by heavy metal content elevation
caused by anthropogenic activities such as agricultural practices, urbanization,
and industries such as tourism. The extraction of heavy metals in sediment
particularly in getting measurement with good accuracy and precision is
challenging, hence, this study includes the optimization of heavy metals
extraction in sediment through acid digestion, assessing sediment quality from
Sungai Buloh, Bagan Pasir estuary, and Kampung Baharu coastline through
the determination of heavy metal profiles, and analyzing data using pollution
indices. The optimization of metals namely zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb),
and copper (Cu) extractions from Certified Reference Material, BCR®-667 of
Estuarine Sediment was carried out to get good metals recoveries with
Differential Pulse Stripping Voltammetry (DPSV) and Inductive Coupled
Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) determination. The recovery values
determined by DPSV and ICP-MS ranged from 18.85-154.38% and 75.28-
90.13%, respectively, where Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu were simultaneously
measured in BCR®-667. The mixture of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and
hydrofluoric acid coupled with ICP-MS determination was selected as the best
method and employed to assess the status of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu distribution in
core sediments of Bagan Pasir estuary, Sungai Buloh, and the coastline of
Kampung Baharu, Port Dickson. Based on the vertical profiles of heavy metals
concentrations, the order of metals in decreasing manner was Zn>Pb>Cu>Cd
in Bagan Pasir estuary and Sungai Buloh stations, while Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd in
Kampung Baharu, Port Dickson. Most of the means of the analyzed metals
were below Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines and the effect range-low
(ERL) in all sampling locations except for Cu in Kampung Baharu coastline and
Zn in Sungai Buloh where their concentrations ranges were between the ERL
and effect range-median (ERM). The results of geo-accumulation index,
contamination factor and pollution load index classified the sediment quality as
not polluted with studied metals with the exception of the element Pb at certain
depths of the sediment cores as well as historical pollution at bottom sediment
of SB2 sediment core. Therefore, heavy metal concentration in the sediments
of these three areas were not at an alarming stage, however, requires regular
monitoring from the authorities to maintain sustainable management of these