Resumo: | Polarity classification or sentiment analysis is considered one of the opinion mining tasks
which distinguishes between the polarities categories (two, three, and five) of opinions
which focus on the degree of the sentiment (such as positive and negative for two
polarities; and positive, neutral and negative for three polarities) that the text may
contain. Limited deep neural network approaches are applied to this task for Arabic
dialects (AD). On the other hand, traditional machine learning algorithms (ML) that are
based on manually extracted features are considered tedious and time dunting, as Arabic
language contains multiple dialects and no word-based order. Therefore, the process of
extracting features such as syntactic and lexical information is more challenging for AD.
According to the literature review, the best registered performance and most used deep
learning model for Arabic sentiment analysis was Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN). The existing convolutional network models are based on wide convolutional
with shallow structure that represents less uniform importance to the features, which is
not capable of representing the entire sentiment information in text sequence and leads
to poor sentiment information detection. Therefore, a Narrow Convolutional Neural
Network (NCNN) is proposed to extract comprehensive sentiment information of text
sequence by maximizing the feature detection range, which gives large uniform
importance to the words and improves the final performance for Arabic dialect
classification tasks (two and three polarities). NCNN achieves its optimum performance
when structured by three convolutional layers. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to
evaluate the impact of various combinations of NCNN structural hyperparameters, such
as the size of pooling, filters, and the number of convolutional filters on the classification
performances. The proposed NCNN achieved a higher macro average recall (R) and
outperforms Naive Bayes (NB) on task A (three polarities) and Voting model on task B
(two polarities) on the SemEval-2017 Arabic dialect Twitter dataset. In addition, the
NCNN model outperforms CNN-ASWAR on Arabic Sentiment Tweets Dataset (ASTD)
with higher F1-score.
The negation words in the Arabic language plays a significant role in SA. Negation words
may cause a sentence's context to be reversed. So far, there has been no effort to handle
the negation context in Arabic using a deep neural network. The existing approaches are
based on traditional machine learning algorithms, such as support vector machine
(SVM). However, these approaches did not consider Arabic dialect negation words. In
addition, these approaches are based on domain specific features and lexicons, which
might not work with other domains.
Ordinal (five polarities) classification problem has received attention in Arabic sentiment
analysis. Most of the applied approaches are based on single task learning (STL) using
machine learning algorithms, such as Logistic Regression (LR) and Hierarchical
Classifier (HC) based on the divide-and-conquer approach. However, these approaches
are based on simple sentence representation. Moreover, these models are based on single
task learning (STL) and lack the ability to learn the relativity between different tasks
(cross-task transfer) and modelling several polarities jointly, such as three and five
Therefore, a model called Multi-Tasking Learning based on Convolutional Hierarchical
Attention Neural Network (MTL-CHAN) is proposed, comprising of (i) shared word
encoder and word attention networks across classification tasks, (ii) task-specific layers
with convolutional neural network-based attention (CNNA) on sentence-level; to handle
the Arabic explicit negation words and improve the classification performance by
training Arabic classification tasks (binary, ternary, and five) jointly. The experimental
results showed outstanding performance of the proposed MTL-CHAN model, with high
accuracy of 89.85%, 84.69%, 85.90 on HARD, LABR, and BRAD datasets, respectively,
and higher macro average recall (R) of 0.680% and 0.810% on Twitter Arabic dialects
datasets task A and B respectively. Also, the proposed model achieved higher accuracy
of 95.25%, 87.75%, 86.01%, 90.95% on Hotel, Product, Movie, and Restaurant datasets,