Summary: | Photovoltaic (PV) energy has grown enough to be the most popular renewable energy
source due its sustainability and advantageous properties. However, the performance of
the PV panels is highly sensitive to weather variations and the incident illumination. PV
system performance is highly impacted by partial shading conditions (PSCs), The
shading affects the pattern of the power- voltage (P–V) characteristic curve to contain
more than one power peak, which creates difficulties on extracting the maximum power
point (MPP), and hence, the generated power will reduce. Many maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) algorithms were proposed in literature, such as conventional and soft
computing algorithms.
Among all proposed algorithms, perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm is the most
popular due to its simplicity and good convergence. However, P&O suffers from
considerable oscillation in the output power, and in the original form, P&O is not capable
to perform efficiently under PSC, and needs improvement to be prosperous. Several
works proposed different modifications on P&O algorithm to handle the main
drawbacks, in addition to combine the P&O algorithm with a soft computing algorithm
to track global peak under PSC, which is known as the hybrid approach. These
improvements presented an enhanced performance, but the performance enhancement
comes at the expense of the algorithm simplicity, computational overhead, requirements
and tracking speed. Therefore, the proposed work has the main target on improving P&O
by three sequenced phases. The first is to introduce a modification in conventional P&O
algorithm, to be able to achieve the global maximum power point (GMPP) effectively in
the presence of shading conditions. The second is to propose a hybrid MPPT algorithm
based on modified P&O algorithm assisted by Extremum Seeking Control (ESC)
approach, in order to maximize the extracted PV power under complex PSC. The third
is to present a novel P&O GMPP tracking algorithm. Employing trapezoidal rule concept
as a new consideration in the P&O tracking process is successful to result a highly
efficient approach in extracting the extreme available power from the PV array under
PSCs and severe cases of weather fluctuation. The three proposed algorithms are tested
under different cases of PSC, considering a comprehensive weather fluctuation such as
sudden and fast change in incident radiation levels. The algorithm is validated using two
different methodologies: a simulation model in MATLAB/Simulink and hardware
implementation. Both simulation and hardware results confirm that the proposed
algorithm provides excellent efficiency of 100% and 99.6% respectively. The GMPP is
achieved within less than 100 ms, which is extremely advantageous tracking time, that
avoids the power losses. In addition, the minimal steady-state oscillation has been
achieved, with the desired level of simplicity without the need to complicated
computations or random particles.
In this research, the performance of the P&O algorithm is gradually improved, starting
with modified P&O and progressing to hybrid P&O and finally to a new version of P&O
that can be efficiently applicable under PSC as well as under uniform weather conditions.